Wednesday, November 27, 2019
TQM1 Essay Example For Students
TQM1 Essay A new type of structure is being used in many organizations today. That structure is labeled Total Quality Management (TQM). This approach involves guaranteeing that an organization functions with a commitment to quality and continuous improvement in meeting its consumers needs. With any type of change there will always be a number of bumps in the road which slow down the process that can help a company increase the workers morale, production, profits and over all positive environment to conduct business. The pressures of the cutthroat market place has pushed companies backs against a wall and to compete on a global scale new ideas have to be explored. The purpose of a TQM program is to amplify the effectiveness of the organization. During an age of downsizing and restructuring, many American companies are determining that they must learn to manage more effectively. The management is running on an older system, which adds to workers that call out more sick days and abuse the companie s production procedure. Organizational problems decoding means that all members of an organization participate in cultivating a vision and improving the corporate cultures. In any change program you must comprehend where you are before you can chart a course of where you want to be. Therefore, before executing TQM, or another program it is important to add the total value of the organization in terms of its current quality or performance class and to define the level of performance or quality you wish to achieve. We will write a custom essay on TQM1 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now One will never achieve total output for any given input, but with simple steps that can add dollars to the bottom line with an increase of production one can get close. Organization diagnose contributes information which allows a faster reacting organization to emerge, one which can deal proactively with changing emphases. Organization examination is often mentioned as the most critical element in the TQM process. With this technique utilized a company can measure all aspects of its output in relation to the mass input. These all include external and internal inputs from the accountant to the delivery truck driver. All members and service providers must be looked at so as to acquire a complete overall view of the performance of the given organization. The steps that a company takes towards Total Quality Management in the beginning only adds the real value of having such a new system in place. Organizations are transforming and will continue to do so in order to survive in this comple x environment. Because change is occurring so rapidly, there is necessity for new ways to manage focusing on product quality and individual involvement. TQM is a type of an approach to managing work focusing on the evaluation of industry processes. The development of a quality energized culture and the empowerment of employees, for this purpose of continuous improvement of products and philanthropies. Since TQM is a powerful new management technique requiring absolute employee participation, the first step is a climatic change in corporate culture. Any successful adjustment in corporate culture will depend upon the active consultation and involvement of the management team. An important component in developing a high performance organization is the identification of areas for improvement or concerns. Total quality management has been defined as the guidance of activities involving improving the quality of the organizations product or service. TQM involves moving toward collective excellence by integrating the desires of individuals for growth and development with organizational goals. TQM is a philosophy and a set of guiding standards for continuous improvement. TQM applies human resources and analytical tools into management e fforts, by providing planned, efficient approaches to improving the total organization, so that it is more customer oriented, quality conscious, adjustable and attentive. Total quality management has become a cardinal concern of management. Much of this attention was initially focused on the auto establishments, which experienced declining sales and increasing product disappointments. .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 , .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .postImageUrl , .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 , .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37:hover , .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37:visited , .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37:active { border:0!important; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37:active , .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37 .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf698d3104b1a5e0a4ba4117ff3681d37:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Free Macbeths: Use of Images and Imagery Mac EssayCompanies in numerous other industries also became concerned. Some of these ideas were originally explored in this country in the 80s due to deficient sales and decrease in market share. Both of these can denote death for even considerably large companies like General Motors. It was GM that characterized a major role in introducing TQM here with the Saturn car. GM decided that since they might lose some valuable market shares due to expansion in Japanese car sale, that they should study the extraordinary way that this old world culture seemed to put quality autos on the market. GM found that the Japanese had less middle man agement and more teams of employees that were self-governed. The teams were responsible for the perfection of the products that were made, instead of having quality control inspectors. The teams were given the authority to hire and fire its members. With this innovative knowledge, GM tried an experiment for GM to use and harvest some of the inspirations so as to enhance its other factories. Thus, the total quality management system was subsequently made mainstream with it creeping into all types of organizations. There are several widely recognized key characteristics of TQM systems. First for a system to be TQM it has to be organization wide. Which determines that the production line is a natural and obvious place to increase quality but it also takes place in all areas of the business. This includes the superior CEO to the mailroom clerk. Second, the top managers must visibly adhere the new TQM control system. If any of the workers were to contemplate that the upper management was not taking the new guidelines seriously then you are more inclined to have chaos. To help stop people from causing too many problems, a simple type of reward system is put in place to recognize team associates and for the insurance that there will be continued support. Third, everyone in the organization has a customer, which could be the adjacent guy on the production line or remote to the organization. This is a crafty way to get the personnel enthusiastic about pleasing the guidelines of the company. Forth, doi ng the job expectations right the first time is important. Instead of relying on product inspection, the employee should be responsible for the quality of the product that is conceived. Finally, the most important aspect for an organization is to let the team members know that each one of them is respected and valued. This again goes for the entire chain, from the internal employees to the external vendors and suppliers. More and more organizations are concluding that employees are no longer satisfied with simply filling a slot in the organization chart. Everyone in the organization has a voice and is allowed to speak on all issues. Todays managers are being challenged to provide leadership in new and changing environments. Customers, competitors, employees, and stockholders are all placing anxieties on management for innovation and change at a rapid pace. Change is a scorning process. Every organization exists in an endless state of adapting to change. External competitive forces u sually cause downsizing changes, whereas other changes to work operations emerge as a result of shifting forces within the organization. Many management theorists feel that authoritarian or political forces, adapting to this increasing rate of change and therefore become reactive organizations reacting drastically after problems come to light. The GM company for example, continues to focus on quality, cycle time reduction, and teamwork in a change process that most companies can only try to emulate. Ten years after initiating a quality change program, TQM is still being used to improve the company. The Saturn car company is a continued success in the auto industry. It should be noted that Saturn has yet to pull in an over all profit, but the high sales has GM looking at the car company in hindsight. GM has taken what it has learned from Saturn and applied it to the other lines of cars. How can you measure the value of such information? So because of this new approach the TQM company lives on as a modern day experiment, which by todays terms is not so experimental. GM strategy to meet these changing forces is termed Total Quality Management (TQM). Total Quality Management may be defined as an organizational strategy of commitment to improving customer satisfaction by developing techniques to carefully administer output quality. TQM is not so much a special technique, as it is an aspect of a reinvented corporate culture with a healthy commitment to improving quality in all organizational approaches. Bibliography:BibliographyBeecroft, GD (1999) The role of quality in strategic management Decisions, v37 i6Heapy, MS. And Gruska, GF. (1995) The Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award- A Yardstick for Quality Growth Addison Wesley Publishing Company Kuger, V. (1999) Towards a European definition of TQM- a historical review The TQM Magazine v11 n4 p257Marsh, J. (1996) The Quality Toolkit- a practical resource for making TQM
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Kenyon Commencement Speech Essay Essays
Kenyon Commencement Speech Essay Essays Kenyon Commencement Speech Essay Paper Kenyon Commencement Speech Essay Paper One of the best beginning addresss that were given was by David Foster Wallace. Many may state that he was a superb adult male. which he genuinely was. In his address you can state he gave a life lesson to his graduating category and the people among them. He gave his position of what ââ¬Å"freedomâ⬠truly is. Freedom is to be able to care of others alternatively of merely yourself. to be able to be free from your ain head. to be able to alter your default scene. You can be in control of your bosom and your head ; be their maestro and be able to command them your wants and demands. Always try to believe long and difficult about your life determinations and everything that defines who you are. Peoples can hold or differ with Wallaceââ¬â¢s point of position on freedom because freedom is so large and it has different significances for everyone. To truly hold freedom and to be able to populate the manner that you truly want to. is truly all up to you. You need to do your life de terminations for yourself and maintain your fingers crossed that you truly hold yourself figured out and youââ¬â¢re perfectly certain you know what youââ¬â¢re making and where your determinations will take you. Your head and your bosom are merely under your control and they will make as you say. Now we all know that the head and the bosom donââ¬â¢t ever acquire along. one can desire one thing and the other one can oppugn that. Itââ¬â¢s alright to be confused. but to be able to state yourself to maintain composure and grok what is traveling on with yourself and what is around you will merely fulfill you. Wallace provinces. ââ¬Å"This I submit. is the existent freedom of existent instruction. of larning how to be well-balanced. You get to consciously make up ones mind what has significance and what doesnââ¬â¢t. You get to make up ones mind what to worshipâ⬠( 207 ) . This statement that he made is nil but true. You should be able to believe for yourself and respond the manner that you feel. Never make a determination based on the determinations of your parents. co-workers. friends. because you can hold your ain ethical motives and beliefs. and thatââ¬â¢s what makes you. you. To hold freedom is to be your ain individual. believe logically. and know the right manner to respond in life. ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s the automatic manner that I experience the drilling. frustrating. crowded parts of grownup life when Iââ¬â¢m runing the automatic. unconscious belief that I am the centre of the universe. and that my immediate demands and feeling are what should find the universes prioritiesâ⬠( 206 ) . says Wallace. In everyoneââ¬â¢s caput. the universe is all about us and we are the centre of attending. Most of the clip we neer think about the people among us and their feeling or state of affairs. Itââ¬â¢s easier for us to believe about our demands and the state of affairs that we are in that 2nd. Wallace besides says how sometimes we need to step out of our ain places and seek to look at the state of affairs from person elseââ¬â¢s point of position. Which merely sound superb because every bit much as being ââ¬Å"selfishâ⬠is in our nature. there might be people in worse state of affairss than us. Itââ¬â¢s ever easy for us to kick about our jobs. which some people may truly hold. and others may overstate over a interruption up and believe thatââ¬â¢s the terminal of the universe. Before making or stating something you will repent you need to take others in consideration. You can take full control over your head and alternatively of responding the manner that you automatically would. you could take to do the right determination and understand that non everything is ever about you. You have the power to command yourself if you truly want to. No 1 truly likes to be commanded to make anything. In fact. many of us intentionally do the antonym of what we are told to make because we want to be ââ¬Å"rebelsâ⬠or because we want to turn out our ain point. One thing that is ever hard for us to travel against is our ain head. It takes dedication and strength to hold the bravery to contend against your head. and to be able to alter your default scene. Like it was mentioned before. our default scene is chiefly to be selfish and think that itââ¬â¢s all about us. ââ¬Å"Think of the old cliche about the head being an first-class retainer but a awful masterâ⬠( 202 ) . says Wallace. If you truly look deep into this cliche . you truly get down to recognize how much sense it truly makes. How astonishing would it be if you were ever the maestro of your head and it ever did merely as you said. Never would you have to hold a default scene of your ain. you would be in the scene that you pleased to be in. Most of us suffer in our ain ideas and allow our heads take over our whole organic structure. To be able to put yourself free. you need to larn to put yourself free from your ain head. You need to be the maestro of your head alternatively of being its waiter. In decisions. you can state that Wallace was seeking to learn his fellow graduating category to larn non to takes things for granted. Freedom is fundamentally all about being able to be well-balanced. Bing able to care for others. set yourself in their places and seek to do bad state of affairss look better. Our default scene is all about ourselves ; how we feel. how we look. what we think. what we want. etc. To be able to alter that default scene and be able to believe of others merely every bit much as believing about yourself would reasonably much give you the feeling of being free. To hold the power to command your head alternatively of being under its control. As we all know. itââ¬â¢s ever hard to acquire your bosom and head to acquire along and hold. Well. if you genuinely wanted. you can do them acquire along. Everyone has their ain ideas about this topic. This beginning address that Wallace gave about ââ¬Å"freedomâ⬠was one of his brilliant authorship. His address genuinely shows how he feels about freedom. and of class he cared plenty to inform others about it before they all started a life outside of school.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Corporal Essay
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Corporal Punishment - Essay Example Despite significant support for such broad generalizations, many questions remain regarding relations among SES, parenting, and child growth. The expressions physical punishment and corporal punishment are employed here as synonyms to refer to an action by parents intended to cause the child physical hurting, but not injury, for purposes of correction or control of misconduct. The 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys discovered that about 95% of American parents use corporal punishment as just cleared. This is consistent with a large number of other studies (Straus, 1991) and with the faith that corporal punishment is used by parents with tots or young children. Public health advocates have described corporal punishment as "a form of interfamilial violence associated with short and long-term adverse mental health outcomes" (Stewart et al., 2000, p. 257). Corporal punishment in the United States presents a complex picture, with high but decreasing rates of general approval, and a population increasingly divided regarding its use (Straus & Mathur, 1994). The approval of corporal punishment in the United States decreased dramatically from 94% in 1978 to 68% in 1994 (Straus & Mathur, 1996). Whereas in 1978 there was almost universal approval in the United States for parents spanking children, regardless of demographic variables, by 1994 disagreements were evident, with greater approval noted among African Americans, Southerners, and those with fewer years of formal education (Straus & Mathur, 1996). Unfortunately, data concerning Latinos are limited. Frequently, Latinos are simply excluded from the sample or are miscoded as African American or White (Ortega, Guillean, & Najera, 1996). The actual use of corporal punishment in the United States is also decreasing (Dart & Gelles, 1992; Straus, 1994). Even so, corporal punishment is still used widely, and Giles-Sims, Straus, and Sugarman (1995) have reported that "almost all children in the United States are spanked by their parents at some point in their lives" (p. 170). For parents to give up corporal punishment, they need to establish an effective alternative system of instruction and discipline. Research supports the notion that three kinds of parenting behaviors constitute such a system: those that promote the parent-child relationship, those that reinforce positive behaviors, and those that decrease undesired behaviors (Howard, 1996). Parents who resort to frequent or severe corporal punishment are likely to rely too much on punitive techniques, without using the other methods. They may underutilize other ways to gain compliance: through building their relationship with their children, reinforcing positive behaviors, and decreasing undesired behaviors through means other than punishment (e.g., distracting the child). Male gender, lower socioeconomic status, comorbid analysis of ADHD, positive parental history of mental illness
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Essay one Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
One - Essay Example Education helps the good citizen building process immensely. Under such circumstances, it is logical to argue that the responsibility of giving education to the public is the duty of a nation. If that is true, there is no point in arguing against making education free. It should be noted that India like emerging countries are currently developing rapidly because of their immense educated manpower resources. America like countries is currently struggling because of the shortage of skilled manpower. For example, majority of the nurses working in American hospitals are from overseas countries. Same way, majority of the American IT jobs are currently outsourced to countries like India because of the lack of availability of IT professionals in America. All these examples clearly point towards the necessities of making more educated and skilled people in America. According to Rajesh Gandhi (2009), ââ¬Å"Higher education is fundamental right for a decent livelihoodâ⬠(Gandhi). Higher education is an expensive act in America now. The recent recession destroyed the financial backbone of many families. I belong to an ordinary family and I know very well how the recent recession caused financial troubles in my family. My parents forced to cut down all unnecessary expenses to escape from the recession. My ambitions for higher studies would also be in danger, had I failed to get some scholarships from the government. There are plenty of youths who failed to go for higher studies because of financial problems. It is difficult for an ordinary American youth to afford the expenses of college education without financial assistance from the government in the form of educational loans or scholarships. All these facts clearly suggest that it is better to make education free in America. Taxpayerââ¬â¢s money can be made use for making the education free since educated people contribute to the society in one way or another. On the other hand, there are plenty of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay Example for Free
Compare and Contrast Essay Religion is a great topic to develop and more when you compare and contrast them. Everyone has different views based on their belief. In this essay Im going to compare two basic religions that are still use in todayââ¬â¢s society after so many years of development. These religions are buddhism and christianity. Considered to be the two great distinctive religions of the world, both Buddhism Christianity today covers a large section of the world population with numerous similarities and differences. There are huge differences on this religions that outstand all the others. The existence of a personal creator and Lord is denied by Buddhism. However, Christianity believes in a personal creator and each may have a relationship with the creator, Jesus. Buddhism believes the world operates under natural law and power and Christians believe that there is a divine order to the world. Some in Buddhism deify the Buddha and worship other gods as well. Christianity is clear that a personal God exists but He is to be the only object of worship. Buddist believe that through a blowing out of yourself, freeing you from desire, will you break the cycle of reincarnation. Christianity says that a relationship with God through belief in the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ on the cross is what allows people to go to heaven. This only comes when someone completely trusts in what God has done for us in the person of Jesus Christ. There is no such thing in Buddhism as sin against a supreme being. In Christianity sin is ultimately against God and affects man and this world. According to Buddhist belief, the human life is not consider to have much worth, having only temporary existence. Life is understood in such a way in getting rid of all desire (good and bad) and not placing any value on this life on earth and not to believe there is any eternal soul to a person. In Christianity people are of infinite worth, made in the image of God, and will exist eternally. The human body is a hindrance to the Buddhist while to the Christian it is an instrument for glorifying God as well as God will restore the body of those who commit their lives to him so that they can be in his presence forever. Also there are some things in which Buddhism and Christianity are really similar. Lord Buddha based His ethics on the golden rule, which was for the welfare of the human beings. Christianity, Jesus Christ also preached His ethics as per the golden rule, which was for the welfare of His people and easily approachable. Buddha, the founder of Buddhism rejected extreme asceticism and gave an emphasis on self-liberation through knowledge. On the other hand Jesus Christ also rejected extreme asceticism. The worship in Buddhism includes monasticism, ringing of bells, bowing, use of incense and rosary, erection of towers or stupas, prayers and meditation. Similarly, the Christians also follow almost same form of worship Monasticism, Confession, the cult of images, ringing of bells, use of rosary and incense and the erection of towers. The Buddhist doctrine gives an emphasis on love for the entire mankind and every other beings as well, no matter whether the being is a friend or an enemy!. The Christian doctrine is also based on the principle of Love the neighbour like into yourself, which means that love should be showered upon not only your friends, but the entire beings. In conclusion buddhism and christianity like any other religion have their similarities and their own differences.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Analysing The God Of Small Things English Literature Essay
Analysing The God Of Small Things English Literature Essay May in Ayemenem is a hot, brooding month. The days are long and humid. This luscious and mysterious description of India sounds unmistakably like a tourist novel yet this example of post colonial exoticism is used to lure in readers to the novel The God of Small Things. Whilst being better known for its celebrity stakes of the Booker Prize, the author Arundhati Roy is ethnic, a strong activist and her cultural authenticity passively provides an authentic Indian voice through her idealised western way of talking and thinking about the east. Roy plays into a colonial style known for its dominating, restructuring and authoritative power over India using references from politics and history to keep the story real and dangerously intoxicating for her western readers. It serves the dual purpose of being able to write back to the empire whilst becoming a product of global capitalism, hybridity of the west and the east, using eastern examples of western ideals through examples of critiqued p ower relations and subverted ideas of the exotic. The society of Ayamenem strongly follows westerns ideas adopted from its colonial background by living with a caste system in which there are two classes, the inferior touchables who are of a higher class than the untouchables. This idea is borrowed from the class system of the British so the inequality between both is familiar to its readers but is also exotic in the way that it controls society and influences everyday life. The extremity of having the untouchables so grateful to the touchable class that a man is willing to kill his own son when he discovers that he has broken the most important caste rule, that there is no interclass relations. These rules of society are unknown to that of the reader; it provides them with the mystery and danger of the exotic. Also having no interclass relations means that there is a lot of tension in the relationships between characters in the novel. The untouchables have internalized class segregation and are aware of the limits of their place in society. Relationships with these people are strongly discouraged but the members of this family find reason to cross and defy these rules. This is unusual behaviour and the idea of resistance against the adopted colonial system is exciting to its western audience who believe that the underdog can win although Roys account provides enough twists and turns to keep the reader guessing the consequences of the characters defiance. The novel also exoticises Indias inequality, making it light hearted and approachable for its western audience. The style of writing suggests that Roy has written the story from an outsiders perspective, looking, observing and commenting on daily life, strange insects appeared like ideas in the evening, questioning her authenticity through her strategic use of words and in this example she tells the reader of strange insects in the afternoon yet these insects should be familiar to the teller of the story. This westernisation becomes more apparent through Indian society who seem like they are trying to appeal to the wider western audience. While choosing a name for the family pickle company the relevance of the name was an important factor, At first he wanted to call it Zeus Pickles and Preserves, but that idea was vetoed because everybody said that Zeus was too obscure and had no local relevance, whereas Paradise did. (Comrade Pillais suggestion -Parashuram Pickles was vetoed for the opposite reason: too much local relevance). Instead of marketing to their local community, the name Paradise seemed more suitable which shows how self aware their society has become knowing that the pickling company could be seen on a global scale promoting its exotic feeling to produce global product. Roy promotes this kind of thinking throughout her novel and in a sense she is able to sell her culture through her strategic storytelling. She tells of hotels that have truncated traditional kathakali performances from six hour classics to twenty minutes cameos for the small attention spans of the tourists. It shows how Indian society has given into its colonialisation, allowing their cultural values and actions to be altered so that it can be marketed on a global scale. The strategic use of how India will be seen from a tourist point of view appeals greatly to those who have never seen India and in these terms Roy provides the idealistic tourist guide that they have been seeking wi th bite sized portions of a culturally authentic experience such as her use of traditional Malayalam words throughout the text. Not only has Roy tried to westernise India in her novel, she has also borrowed ideas and put them into and Indian context. The notion of love is not widely or publicly spoken about in India (although glamorised through film), it is something that is private and varies with the type of belief system one has. The God of Small Things is unique in this way; it could almost be seen as a tragic Indian love story showing the different interpretations of the dimensions of love. The idea of romantic love barely exists in Indian society as it collective society who make decisions together while romantic love is independently chosen and a modern way of finding a partner. Roy explores this through the relationship between characters such Chacko and Margaret. Chacko is Indian and he falls in love with a European woman and their relationship is the least stable as they find that it does not work and although it is demanding to say the least, Chacko decides to devote himself to her even after they have split so he can always be there for her. This type of relationship can be identified with easily as it seems to be more common throughout the west and it shows how multicultural relationships work within society. Baby Kochamma also tries to find meaning in her life through unrequited love for a Irish priest. The idea of unrequited love is discouraged in Indian society as it is embarrassing for the family as it is publicly unsuccessful. Familial love is then the most important and scared of all types of relationships. The parents in the novel have a very strong and deep love for their children that readers can relate to, Chacko loves his daughter Sophie so much (even though he barely knew her) that when she dies he is distraught and has to move away. Ammu also has a very strong love for her children and she shares that with Velutha (her love interest) who also shows an unselfish love for her children as a reflection of his love for Ammu. The twins also love each other very much and their love is so strong that they can easily know what each other is thinking and feeling although this is where Roy introduces a twist to the plot by having these types of love become forbidden and incestuous. She crosses the line that most Indian authors would we unwilling to as such things are unspoken of and yet at the same time this excites the western readers who can handle reading about such a taboo experience. She shows that love is a powerful and uncontrollable force that cannot be contained by conventional social codes because a traditional Indian society (in the case of Ammu and Velutha) seeks to destroy romantic love as it believes that love should only be an emotion that is explained through two peoples cultural background and political identities. Roy speaks of love laws that have to be abided and such rules seem ridiculous and even intriguing to see how people live by them and the fascination of what happens if one might break these rules and how desperation and desire fight the overbearing force of being punished for loving the wrong person. The themes used by Roy are universal and provide a comfortable introduction to India. She is aware of how to sell her culture to the global market and is successful in promoting this novel as an authentic experience to the western world. It is not threatening but yet hybridity of cultures, strategically using exoticism to her advantage almost tricking her western audience into their curiosity to know more through her ability to be able to tell a great story which has no secrets and is exposed for all to take with them.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Preventing Blood Stream Infections Health And Social Care Essay
National Patient Safety Goals ( NPSG ) were introduced in 2002 in order to assist turn to some of the issues that were responsible for doing a bulk of the state of affairss that were responsible for making patient safety issues. These ends were implemented in order to set concentrate on what were deemed to be the most preventable of these issues. One of these ends is the bar of cardinal line-associated blood watercourse infections ( Lyles, Fanikos, & A ; Jewell, 2009 ) . Literature Review Central venous catheters ( CVC ) are indispensable in the attention of critically sick patients. However, their usage is non without hazard. Catheter-associated blood stream infections ( CA-BSI ) are common healthcare-associated infections in intensive attention unit ( ICU ) patients and have been estimated to happen in 3 % -7 % of all patients with CVC ( Warren, et al. , 2006 ) . It is good documented that intravascular catheter related complications are associated with widening hospital length of stay, increasing direct costs and increasing ICU mortality. Clinicians insert about 7 million cardinal venous entree devices ( CVAD ) yearly in the United States, and of these, 1 in 20 is associated with a CA-BSI, despite the usage of the best available sterile techniques during catheter interpolation and care. Overall, an estimated 250,000 CVAD-related CA-BSI occur yearly, with an attributed mortality of 12.5 % to 25 % per happening. The national cost of handling CA-BSI peers $ 25,000 per infection, severally, or $ 296 million to $ 2.3 billion in entire. While the figure of CA-BSI has remained comparatively steady, vascular entree device usage has drastically increased, particularly in nonhospital scenes ( Rosenthal, 2006 ) . A huge sum of research is directed toward cut downing these complications in an attempt to better patient outcomes. A reappraisal of the literature provides an overview of current recommendations refering intravascular catheter attention and research sing the usage of instruction plans to advance recommended pattern. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) published the Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections in 2002, which is the benchmark for all intravascular catheter attention recommendations. The guidelines for CVC suggest the replacing of dressings every 7 yearss or when soiled or loosened, endovenous tube alterations every 72 hours, and the replacing of tubing used to administrate blood merchandises and lipid emulsions within 24 hours of extract induction ( East & A ; Jacoby, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to the CDC, about 53 % of grownup patients in intensive attention units have a cardinal venous catheter on any given twenty-four hours ( Rupp, et al. , 2005 ) . Skin cleaning of the interpolation site is regarded as one of the most of import steps for forestalling catheter-related infection. Historically, povidone-iodine is an antiseptic that has been used during the interpolation and care of the intravascular devices. It works by perforating the cell wall of the micro-organism. More late, chlorhexidine has been studied and found to be more effectual as a skin antiseptic to forestall catheter-related infection. It works in less clip, retains its antibacterial consequence against vegetation thirster, is non inactivated by the presence of blood or human protein, and causes minimum skin annoyance. Chlorhexidine works by interrupting the microbial cell wall. It is active against many Gram-positive and to a somewhat lesser degree Gram-negative bacteria ( Astle & A ; Jensen, 2005 ) . A multistep procedure is recommended to forestall CA-BSI that includes: educating staff, utilizing maximum barrier safeguards ( e.g. a unfertile gown and baseball mitts, mask, cap, and big unfertile curtain ) , executing infection surveillance, and replacing occlusive dressing every 7 yearss or when needed ( Buttes, Lattus, Stout, & A ; Thomas, 2006 ) . Other strongly recommended patterns include proper manus hygiene, usage of chlorhexidine gluconate for interpolation site readying, and turning away of everyday catheter alterations. Catheters impregnated with antimicrobic agents are recommended when infection rates are high or when catheters will stay in topographic point for a considerable clip ( Krein, et al. , 2007 ) . Education of staff on the proper attention of CVC is paramount in cut downing the sum of CA-BSI. This is possibly one of the most cost-efficient methods of cut downing CA-BSI ( Ramritu, Halton, Cook, Whitby, & A ; Graves, 2007 ) . Execution A staff instruction plan was initiated for the nursing forces that chiefly deal with CVC. This instruction plan was aimed at developing the ICU and step-down unitaaââ¬Å¡Ã ¬aââ¬Å¾?s nursing staff proper attention and care of the CVC. Education focused on proper attention of the CVC, including when dressing alterations should be performed e.g. every 7 yearss or when the dressing is soiled. Nurses were besides trained in how to suitably help with CVC arrangement and the certification tool that infection control utilizes to measure attachment to interpolation guidelines. Posters were besides placed in the nurseaaââ¬Å¡Ã ¬aââ¬Å¾?s interruption and conference countries that had educational stuff related to proper attention of CVC. Documentation was besides placed in the physicianaaââ¬Å¡Ã ¬aââ¬Å¾?s lounges that bucked up use of maximum barrier safeguards during CVC interpolation. The installation that was observed presently utilizes a few different agencies of measuring with respects to CA-BSI. First, a checklist is utilised during CVC interpolation that evaluates attachment to interpolation guidelines by the staff. This checklist is sent to infection control and entered into a database which is correlated with patient informations sing CA-BSI. Second, in patients that are identified as holding a CA-BSI, after catheter remotion, laboratory microbiological surveies of the catheter, blood, and interpolation site swabs are performed to place causality of the infection. Execution Compared to Literature Suggestions Practices that cut down the hazard of CA-BSI include the undermentioned: ( 1 ) usage of maximum barrier safeguards during CVC interpolation ( i.e. , a surgical mask, unfertile gown, unfertile baseball mitts, and big unfertile curtains ) , ( 2 ) arrangement of the catheter in the subclavian vena instead than the internal jugular or femoral vena, ( 3 ) altering catheters merely when necessary, and ( 4 ) altering dressings on CVC issue sites when they become nonocclusive, soiled, or bloody. These patterns have been incorporated into national guidelines. Presently, the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee ( HICPAC ) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) recommends that infirmaries implement comprehensive educational plans that teach proper CVC interpolation and care techniques ( Warren, et al. , 2006 ) . These patterns are largely in line with what is implemented at the ascertained installation. One difference, which is non in line with these reco mmendations, is that the ascertained installation has a high figure of internal jugular interpolations instead than using the subclavian vena. When asked about this, many of the doctors stated that entree was easier to place utilizing ultrasound during interpolation and they preferred this method over subclavian interpolation. Recommended Changes First, execution of an instruction plan for suppliers that is focused on infection control, particularly the recommendation of using the subclavian vena interpolation for CVC arrangement as a first pick in patients that have no contraindications to this arrangement. Second, securing the second-generation antiseptic catheter, coated with chlorhexidine and Ag sulfadiazine on the internal and external surfaces, to more efficaciously prevent microbic colonisation in patients that are identified as being at hazard. Decreased bacterial colonisation, a critical measure in the pathogenesis of catheter-associated infection, may correlate with bar of catheter-related bacteriemia ( Rupp, et al. , 2005 ) . Third, instruction and preparation demands to be expanded to any nurses that may be responsible for caring for a patient with a CVC. These countries include non-critical attention countries such as paediatric and medical floors. Larger Numberss of patients with CVC are now found in non-ICUs th an in ICUs and that CA-BSI rates in those scenes are higher. Catheter types and interpolation sites vary greatly among scenes. For illustration, jugular and femoral interpolation sites are common in ICUs ; subclavian and peripheral sites are more common elsewhere. So schemes for cut downing CA-BSI must be tailored to the scene ( Hadaway, 2006 ) .
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Savage Beastâ⬠Man’s Inherent Primitivism as Shown in Lord of the Flies
Ray Penman Oct 3, 2010 The Savage Beastââ¬â Manââ¬â¢s Inherent Primitivism as Shown in Lord of the Flies A running theme in Lord of the Flies is that man is savage at heart, always ultimately reverting back to an evil and primitive nature. The cycle of man's rise to power, or righteousness, and his inevitable fall from grace is an important point that book proves again and again, often comparing man with characters from the Bible to give a more vivid picture of his descent.Lord of the Flies symbolizes this fall in different manners, ranging from the illustration of the mentality of actual primitive man to the reflections of a corrupt seaman in purgatory. The novel is the story of a group of boys of different backgrounds who are marooned on an unknown island when their plane crashes. As the boys try to organize and formulate a plan to get rescued, they begin to separate and as a result of the dissension a band of savage tribal hunters is formed. Eventually the boys lose all sen se of home and civilization. ââ¬Å"The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away. (Golding, Ch 5) When the confusion finally leads to a manhunt, the reader realizes that despite the strong sense of British character and civility that has been instilled in the youth throughout their lives, the boys have backpedalled and shown the underlying savage side existent in all humans The novel shows the reader how easy it is to revert back to the evil nature inherent in man: if a group of well-conditioned school boys can ultimately wind up committing various extreme travesties, one can imagine what adults, leaders of society, are capable of doing under the pressures of trying to maintain world relations.Lord of the Fliesââ¬â¢ apprehension of evil is such that it touches the nerve of contemporary horror as no English novel of its time has done; it takes us, through symbolism, into a world of active, proliferating evil which is seen, one feels, as the natural condition of man and which is bound to remind the reader of the vilest manifestations of Nazi regression. In the novel, Simon is a peaceful lad who tries to show the boys that there is no monster on the island except the fears that the boys have. Simon tries to state the truth: ââ¬Å"Maybe there is a beastâ⬠¦What I mean isâ⬠¦ maybe it's only us. â⬠(Golding, Ch 5) When he makes this revelation, he is ridiculed. This is an uncanny parallel to the misunderstanding that Christ had to deal with throughout his life. Later in the story, the savage hunters are chasing a pig. Once they kill the pig, they put its head on a stick and Simon experiences an epiphany. As Simon rushes to the campfire to tell the boys of his discovery, he is hit in the side with a spear, his prophecy rejected and the word he wished to spread ignored.Simon falls to the ground dead and is described as beautiful and pure. The description of his death, the manner in which he died, and the cause for which he died ar e remarkably similar to the circumstances of Christ's life and ultimate demise. The major difference is that Christ died on the cross, while Simon was speared. However, a reader familiar with the Bible recalls that Christ was stabbed in the side with a spear before his crucifixion. When Piggy, the largest advocate of the law, is killed near the end of the book, the conch is broken.Until that point, the conch had been a way to control and pacify the crowdââ¬â only someone holding the conch may speak. When Jack and the boys have had enough of Ralphââ¬â¢s laws, the boys kill Piggy and shatter the conch. The law ceases to exist, though when the boys are rescued, the ââ¬Å"gameâ⬠ends and they are once again just bedraggled boys smeared in mud and blood on the shore. William Golding discusses man's capacity for fear and cowardice. In the novel, the boys on the island first encounter a natural fear of being stranded on an uncharted island without the counsel of adults.Once th e boys begin to organize and begin to feel more adult-like themselves, the fear of monsters takes over. It is understandable that boys ranging in ages from toddlers to young teenagers would have fears of monsters, especially when it is taken into consideration that the children are stranded on the island. The author wishes to show, however, that fear is an emotion that is instinctive and active in humans from the very beginnings of their lives.This revelation uncovers another weakness in man, supporting the idea or belief that man is pathetic and savage at the very core of his existence. Throughout the novel, there is a struggle for power between two groups. This struggle illustrates man's fear of losing control, which is another example of his selfishness and weakness. The fear of monsters is natural; the fear of losing power is inherited. The author uses these vices to prove the point that any type of uncontrolled fear contributes to man's instability and will ultimately lead to h is demise spiritually and perhaps even physically.The author chooses to use an island as the setting for the majority of the story. The island is an important symbol in Lord of the Flies. It suggests the isolation of man in a frightening and mysterious cosmos. The island in the novel is an actual island, but itââ¬â¢s more than just that. It is a microcosm of life itself, the adult world, and the human struggle with his own loneliness. Man grows more savage at heart as he evolves because of his cowardice and his quest for power.The novel proves this by throwing together opposing forces into a situation that dowses them with power struggles and frightening situations. By comparing mankind in general to Biblical characters in similar scenarios, the novel provides images of the darker side of man. This darker side of man's nature inevitably wins and man is proven to be a pathetic race that refuses to accept responsibility for its shortcomings.Bibliography: Golding, William. Lord of t he Flies. 1952. 13. 3 (1952): 1-248. Print.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Elvis by Albert Goldman essays
Elvis by Albert Goldman essays Elvis by Albert Goldman is a book about the life and times of the king of rock and roll. It shows how a country boy rose up and ruled the world of music, and also showed his downfall. It starts by telling about Elvis' childhood, and moving to his teenage years. Elvis was always a wholesome country boy no matter if people considered him leud, or outrageous. In fact, Elvis was discovered when he made a record for his mothers birthday, Elvis always respected his parents. Next it moves on to the first few records that Elvis cut at Sun Records with his first producer Sam Phillips. What made Elvis different from other singers was that he was "a white boy who could sing like a nigger." as Sam Phillips described his style. It then moves on to detail his breakthrough year of 1956 in which he had such hits as Heartbreak Hotel, and Hound Dog. 1956 was the year that Elvis took America by storm, and earned him the title "The King of Rock and Roll". After that, it states the hardships that Elvis faced over the next few years in the military. These few years were not very good for Elvis, for the first time he had to leave the US, and his beloved mother passed away before he left for his assignment in Germany. Moving on it tells us about his glorious return to the United States, reclaiming his title as "King", and moving on to something bigger and better the movies. Over the course of the next few years Elvis made a lot of movies, but none were liked by the critics, but they did make money. After his less than stellar movie career Elvis came back to music with a blast the 68' Comeback Special. Once again Elvis was on top of the music industry. After the 68' Comeback Special Elvis moved on to very successful shows at Las Vegas. Elvis played in Las Vegas until his death. He also started to tour again. It was during this time that he and his wife of only a few years, Pri...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How to Provide Social Media Customer Service [PODCAST]
How to Provide Social Media Customer Service [PODCAST] Social media: If you have it, you need to be involved. Sometimes, your customers will use the power of social media to bring concerns and tough questions to your attention. Do you know how to handle these often very public situations? Today, we are talking to Agnieszka JaÃ
âºkiewicz, the social media manager at LiveChat. Sheââ¬â¢s going to talk about her process when it comes to handling tough customer interactions via social media, and youââ¬â¢ll learn how to provide the best customer service possible with your chosen networks and platforms. Information about LiveChat and what Agnieszka does there. Agnieszkaââ¬â¢s favorite story about providing excellent customer service via social media. A good process for providing great customer support, including how to know when to switch to private messages and how to keep track of the questions and concerns that come in. Tips on how to decide which platforms to use as a business. Agnieszkaââ¬â¢s best tricks for responding quickly to customer concerns via social media. How to diffuse the situation when a customer is angry and attacking on your social media page. Why itââ¬â¢s important for every business to have some type of social media presence. Links: Agnieszka JaÃ
âºkiewicz on LinkedIn LiveChat If you liked todayââ¬â¢s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Agnieszka: ââ¬Å"I would use the customer service mantra, be where your customers are.â⬠ââ¬Å"People donââ¬â¢t like to wait on social media. They came to social media because they want their query to be answered quickly.â⬠ââ¬Å"If I were to choose one piece of general advice, I would say make one person responsible for answering this queries on social media.ââ¬
Sunday, November 3, 2019
African-American family sitcoms Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
African-American family sitcoms - Assignment Example The Jeffersons showed that poor, uneducated blacks could make a great success of themselves with some hard work and pluck, and this show, too, showed good family values. The Cosby Show was a show that did not really reference the black experience, but their family values were also excellent. Their message was that blacks can be well-educated and wealthy. This essay will examine each of these shows. The first black sitcom that will be analyzed will be Good Times. The particular episode is titled Black Jesus.The basic premise of Good Times is that it follows a struggling black family who are living in the ghetto ââ¬â Michael, who is the youngest child and eventually is a militant black man, but,in the early days, he was a young boy who was very much into black power and black rights; JJ, the oldest child who was a gifted artist and a wisecracker;Thelma, the middle child, who's identity was somewhat nebulous, although she did seem to be into black rights as well, but not as much as Michael; Florida,the mother, who is very religious and had an iron will and was intelligent and kept her family in line;and James, the father, who was struggling for work and could sometimes be temperamental and dominant,but was also very loving.This episode was a typical episode ââ¬â the jokes came from various aspects of what it meant to be poor and black. This was a sitcom in the 1970s, but its jokes still seem fresh and relevant and timeless today. In this episode, JJ was working to enter an art contest, and his topic was a pimp who lived in the neighborhood. Thelma didn't think that this was an appropriate thing to paint, but JJ pointed out that this pimp made a lot of money not doing much of anything, and that he was the ââ¬Å"same dude who got shot and ran seven miles to the hospitalâ⬠(Good Times). This line was good for a laugh. JJ also showed that he painted a portrait of Jesus who was black, and this Jesus was based upon ââ¬Å"Ned the wino,â⬠a local alcoh olic who everybody knew. Michael loved the idea of a black Jesus, so he put the picture on the wall in place of the real Jesus. Florida, the Christian woman, didn't like the idea of the black Jesus, until Michael pointed out that The Bible indicated that Jesus had ââ¬Å"hair like wool, and eyes like fire,â⬠which means that Jesus might have really been black. At that point, Florida changed her mind about having the painting on the wall. Then, everybody in the family started to experience luck. James' bet on the horses paid off, and he went to the IRS for an audit and found that they owed him money. Thelma was asked out by somebody she liked. Winona, the neighbor, who had a disastrous date, but it turned out that the guy was rich. James decided that it was black Jesus who was bringing the family luck, so he wanted to keep it on the wall. In the end, JJ entered the black Jesus in the art contest, but lost, but the black Jesus was hung on the wall alongside the traditional Jesus. This was a typical episode of Good Times. JJ had most of the cracks, and these cracks were jokes that reflected the ghetto black experience. The crack about the pimp being the same guy who got shot and had to run 7 miles to the hospital got many laughs. Another crack came when the family debated on whether Jesus really was black, and Michael pointed out that Jesus was lost in the desert, and JJ said ââ¬Å"that makes sense. If ever people were lost, we are it.â⬠This shows the type of gallows humor, where people who are oppressed make light of their situation, which is often seen in black sitcoms that focus around poor blacks. Other jokes make light of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Hearing Imapried Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hearing Imapried - Essay Example ââ¬ËHard of hearingââ¬â¢ is a term referring to a person who has some degree of hearing loss but is able to function in the hearing and speech modalities either with or without the use of assistive listening devices such as hearing aids. ââ¬ËDeafââ¬â¢, on the other hand, is a term used to refer to people who have a greater degree of hearing loss, use sign language as their primary means of communication, and are in some manner affiliated with the Deaf community. Thus, deafness may be viewed as a condition that prevents an individual from receiving sound in all forms. In contrast, a child with hearing loss can generally respond to auditory stimuli, including speech (ââ¬Å"Deafnessâ⬠, 2004). Section 504 of IDEA states, ââ¬Å"No otherwise qualified individual with disability in the United States â⬠¦ shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistanceâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Exceptionalâ⬠, 2007). The problem undertaken in ensuring this law is complied with enters when one begins to look at the various characteristics of hearing loss and deafness and attempts to incorporate alternative learning strategies into the classroom are made. People who are deaf or hard of hearing use one of three main approaches to communicate. These include the oral approach, the manual approach and the total approach. The oral approach makes heavy use of speech and reading skills to communicate with others and generally has a tendency to remain close to the familiar. The manual approach uses sign language only as a means of communicating and is generally used by people who are completely deaf or well integrated into the Deaf community. Total communication refers to the use of a combination of the oral and manual approach to communication, including the use of informal gestures and written or spoken words. Certain
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